
Our collection of publications, authored by our own scientists and collaborators, contains original research articles and review articles that are relevant to our technology and its applications.

>> Novel Concept of CD4-Mediated Activation of Regulatory T Cells for the Treatment of Graft-Versus-Host Disease.

Schlöder J, Berges C, Tuettenberg A, Jonuleit H. Frontiers Immunol 2017.

>> Protection from graft-versus-host disease by HIV-1 envelope protein gp120-mediated activation of human CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells.

Becker C, Taube C, Bopp T, Becker C, Michel K, Kubach J, Reuter S, Dehzad N, Neurath MF, Reifenberg K, Schneider FJ, Schmitt E, Jonuleit H. Blood 2009.

>> CD4-mediated regulatory T-cell activation inhibits the development of disease in a humanized mouse model of allergic airway disease.

Martin H, Reuter S, Dehzad N, Heinz A, Bellinghausen I, Saloga J, Haasler I, Korn S, Jonuleit H, Buhl R, Becker C, Taube C. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012


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55131 Mainz, Germany

Handelsregisternummer HRB 49910 
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